Junior Cricket

Hi All,
Well it was encouraging to have replies from enough people to suggest we will be fielding teams in every age group this year, all be it that I will be needing to do some shuffling for our U/17’s possibly, which may also include players from other Clubs, but is still a work in progress.
We look like fielding 2 x U/11’s, our first girls U/12 team, 2 x U/13’s, U/15’s and U/17’s.
U/11’s Coaches Adam Dowling, Doug Halloran, with more assistance required to help develop the players from week to week, please put your hand up to get on board if you can.
Training will start Monday 4th of October 4.30 – 5.30 following the school holiday break. Season start date Friday October 22nd.
U/12 Girls, Team can train with U/11’s on Monday and or Wednesdays if its a better fit 4.30 – 5.30, Sarah Chisholm, Danny Nichols have volunteered to run game days, much appreciated. Season start date Sunday October 17th.
U/13’s x 2 teams. I am still requiring more assistance with this group. I have 1 Coach who can run game day, and another who can on alternating weeks as well as training, 2 team mangers will be required as well.
I will be assisting training as we will pushing U/15, and U/17 training to a 5.30 – 6.30 time slot to be better able to use the facilities which are coming under pressure to cope with our demands.
Training to begin on Monday October 4th 4,30 – 5.30 following the school holiday break, and Wednesday thereafter if players can commit. Season start Saturday October 16th.
U/15’s Coach James Harvey, I have received enough replies to form a team, with a number not replying I can only assume some are not playing this year, if other do decide to play I may need to make some decisions around a possible merge situation to guarantee more chances to play week in week out.
I have had to make a change to training times to give us more access to nets and or ground time. Going to 5.30 – 6.30 may be a challenge at the start of daylight saving but I hope this does not effect families to much. The clubs Junior Growth and COVID protocols have been a contributor to this decision.
Training to begin on Monday 4th of October 5.30 – 6.30 following the school holidays, and Wednesday thereafter. Season start Saturday October 16th.
U/17’s Coach Danny Gillett, our numbers sit at 6 confirmed, and dependent on U/15 numbers from week to week there maybe assistance from them. There are couple of whispers regards players but nothing in granite. I am talking with some other local clubs to see how they are situated and there is a possibility of assistance or mergers as a way to make sure the players have full teams to play with each week. This is an ongoing process that will not be locked in until the weeks leading into the season.
Training to begin on Monday 4th of October 5.30 – 6.30 following the school holidays, and Wednesdays there after. Season start Saturday October 16th.
All registrations are through searching for play.cricket.com.au and entering Portarlington Cricket Club in the search. It is recommended you do this on a desk top computer as it much easier to use.
Junior Blaster to start on Thursday October 28th 4.30 – 5.30. Main Oval
Demons Club to start on Friday 29th of October 4.30 – 5.30 back oval.
Please feel free to contact me regards any questions, or for roles to take on prior to the first weeks training.
At training the use of scan code would be better to capture attendance over paper registers which we did last year. Please do not attend training if feeling unwell, as has become the COVID normal.
Thanks for your attention and look forward to the season ahead.
Kind regards
James Harvey
0404 800 384
The Portarlington Cricket Club endorse and adopt:
Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People, Australian Cricket’s ‘Looking After Our Kids’ Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs, and Australian Cricket’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Young People.