Member TOS Page

Please ensure you have read and understood these terms and conditions before registering you or your child to play for The Portarlington Cricket Club.

Payment of Fees

At least 1 payment needs to be made towards registration fees before the season starts unless an agreement has been reached with The Portarlington Cricket Club Treasurer.  Players who are not financial may be ineligible to play until their fees are paid in full.

Indemnity and release 

In consideration of being allowed to participate in cricket matches, training, including travel and associated events (“Activities”) organised and/or supervised by The Portarlington Cricket Club.  I acknowledge, agree and confirm the following:  a) That there are inherent risks associated with the Activities which may result in personal injury in a serious manner.  I fully accept and agree to bear those risks.  b) To the full extent permitted by law, I absolve, indemnify, release and discharge The Portarlington Cricket Club, its Officers, Employees, Representatives and Agents (”Indemnities”) from any and all liability for any injury, loss, cost, charge, expense or damage suffered by me however caused, arising from or incurred directly or indirectly as a result of my participation in the Activities, including without limitation as a result of any act, default, omission or negligence of the Indemnities.  

Privacy legislation clause

·        Information requested in the Registration Form is requested under the National Privacy Provisions detailed in the Privacy Act 1988. Accordingly we advise that: contained in Personal Details and Parents’/Guardians’ Details may be entered onto the Portarlington Cricket Club general database to enable the Portarlington Cricket Club to fairly and reasonably maintain appropriate records of all persons who are or have been involved or connected with any aspect of our business. 

·        The details requested in Health Care and Medical Details will be held on a discreet Portarlington Cricket Club Database so that appropriately qualified Portarlington Cricket Club staff may effectively act on any eventuality that may arise whilst the person on whom the details are kept, is under the care, control and jurisdiction of Portarlington Cricket Club. Details kept on this discreet database will be destroyed and/or permanently de-identified once the need to maintain such records is extinguished.

·       Portarlington Cricket Club maintains an express policy on all data collected and maintained which relates to individuals. The details of this policy are available on request.  

Club responsibilities in regard to Juniors

·       Portarlington Cricket Club does NOT operate junior cricket teams to provide a child minding service for parents.

·        The club seeks active involvement from parents as supporters of the junior players.

·        Further involvement such as scoring, managing or coaching is also encouraged if the parents are able to assist in this regard.

·        All parents/guardians of players under the age of 18 must provide the coach/manager with your current emergency contact details if they are not present at training sessions or games.

This is required to provide the best possible duty of care to our Junior players.  

Acknowledgement / Consent

1.      I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to all the matters referred to in the statement, including the warning, release and indemnity.

2.      I have read and understood the above PRIVACY LEGISLATION CLAUSE and give Portarlington Cricket Club authorisation to record and use the information supplied, for the purposes detailed.

3.      I hereby give consent for any photographs/electronic media (eg video) of myself/my child to be published by Portarlington Cricket Club for the purpose of marketing, newsletters, publications or other cricket-related business. 

4.      I hereby give permission for my contact and emergency contact details being provided to the Coach and Manager.